Shirin Senegal

Executive Director – Ronnie’s House

Shirin Senegal is Ronnie Senegal’s Widow, the Executive Director of Ronnie’s House and the founder of the Long Beach Re-entry Collaborative. Shirin has been a tech and marketing entrepreneur for over 20 years, a published author, and a talk show host.

In 2019, Shirin opened the first business Accelerator in Long Beach, CA to support minority and women-owned businesses. The Business Accelerator was in collaboration with the City of Long Beach, Cal State Long Beach Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, supported by Living Cities Foundation and Citi Bank Foundation. Shirin is also a stanch advocate for Cannabis Equity in the City of Long Beach. She has advocated has since 2017 pushing forward policy forward since 2017., to ensure that those who have been affected by the War on Drugs are included in the Economic Benefits of the Cannabis Industry.

Karen Cervantes Jimenez

Special Needs Coordinator / Reentry Administrative Support

Karen is our Special needs coordinator to ensure the community we serve is served in the most equitable way possible. She ensures we meet our clients where they are, who attend our workshops and training.

Billy Brown

Violence Prevention/Youth Programs

Billy Brown went from a five-year prison incarceration to earning his masters degree in Policy from Cal State Long Beach and a degree from LBCC. His life experience led him to be a leader in Violence Prevention and Reentry Work. Billy Launched the Safe Passages program, during the height of the Long Beach Violence, which has since been adopted across the Country.

Logan Baughman III

Director Wellness – Ronnie’s House – Masters Degree in Social Work – USC

Logan Baughman III, MSW served our country in the United States Army, and he continues to diligently serve as a Community Mental Health Advocate, Youth Mentor, Substance Abuse Counselor and he is also involved in such organizations as the Long Beach Human Dignity Project. In 2012, the 6th District’s City Councilman Dee Andrews awarded Logan with the prestigious Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Maker Award. Logan is honored to be the 257th Graduate of the Overcomers Program at Calvary Christian Center in Sacramento CA. Logan was a Minority Biomedical Research Support Program MBRS RISE Scholar at California State University Dominguez Hills where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with his Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology and a minoring is Africana Studies.

In 2019, Logan graduated from the University of Southern California Masters of Social Work Program with a focus on Adult Mental Health and Wellness, with sub-concentration Military Families. Logan is active in many community organizations that promote cultural upliftment and academic excellence such as the National Council of Collegiate Scholars, Student Veterans of America, Disabled Student Services, and the Umoja Program within the Los Angeles Community College District.

An old adage postulates that, “To whom much is given, much is required.” Logan utilizes his education and life experiences to help remove the stigma of mental illness in Communities of Color, by encouraging positive life choices that promote mental health and wellness. Logan believes that “Our character is best expressed in our choices when we act from what is best in us.”

Pastor Leon Wood

Sr. Advisor

Dr. Leon Wood is a Pastor, PHD, and Author who has worked in Justice reform for over 40 years. He and his wife Paula Wood are the founders of the Freedom School as a part of the initiative with the Children’s Defense Fund and Success in Challenges 501 (c3).